Sunday, March 2, 2008

I agree with Olmert

Olmert: Gaza ops will go on, world should stop preaching"I don't remember those who are criticizing us saying how unbearable the situation in southern Israel is," PM tells cabinet ministers.

I am not the biggest fan of Israels pm but I have to agree with what he says here. I also know that Israel works very differently than the palestinians in two aspects. Firstly we aim at the perputrators and not at civilians; unfortunatly this does not always mean they do not suffer as it is a war situation. Secondly we, or at least our media do not use pictures of blood and suffering in the same way as the palistinians do.
this is the picture shown when 5 were hurt in Ashkelon

Having said all that I think we have been dragged into this war. Ashkilon is now being hit as Sdrot has been for the last 7 years. I hope that we have reacted in the correct way to stop the rockets because that at the end of the day is what we want. There is no way I blame Israel for entering this situation but I hope we achieve normal living for the people who live near the boarder with Gaza. Remember Israel withdrew from Gaza to let the palestinians get on with their lives and instead of developing what they have this is what they do.
War is very different than in previous generations on of them is that television is more important than armored divisions in the battlefield.( The damage that has been done is Sdrot for example is horendous. Do you have any idea how many kids in Sderot. Here are some statistics (from
In 2006, 861 rockets were fired at population centers in the western Negev, as compared with 222 in 2005 and 268 in 2004 (not including rockets fired at Israeli settlements inside the Gaza Strip).
In May 2007, Palestinians launched some 300 Kassam rockets from Gaza at Sderot and the western Negev. Hamas openly claimed responsibility for the attack.
Note: Rocket or mortar shell fire is defined as an event, during which a launch is tracked and the hit is clearly identified as falling in Israeli territory. It is also defined as an event during which a launch from the Gaza Strip is tracked and an explosion is heard, even if the location of the hit is not clearly identified. The actual number of rockets launched may be at least 20% greater than the number of hits identified. Also on this site is a film of rockets being fired from an UNRWA boys school.
Ok I have to sign of as my dentist is waiting for me!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

the connection between earth tremors and homosexuality

Shlomo Ben-Izri is a paramenter present goverenment. He is head religious party Shas. Yesterday he told us that we give reparing instead of correcting. We allow homosexuals to marry and have children. He quoted from the main "the gamora" jewish biblical interpretations and explained that if man puts his sexual organs where the do not belong god will come down on the part of the earth to remind man of his wrong ways. In todays news we see that a previous shas leader has been charged with sexual harasment in his office including touching and taking out his pennis to his 3 secateries...perhaps that caused the earth tremmors!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The snow ensures good wine grapes inthe summer which must be good!!!

The trees are so beautiful. Nature is amazing and water will eventually flow to the kinneret.

And besides snow is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and this is my coat!!!!

Israel checking itself

So long since the last time I wrote on my blog and so much has happened. The Vinigrad comittee has issued a 500 page report to tell us about the war Israel was involved in a year and a half ago. The report decided not to alay blame to specific people but to look at the situation as a whole. However it should be noted that it suggested that Israel has has to change with the changing world. The army cannot fight wars as it did in the past. communications between government and army need to be changed. Also it asked if war is the solution. The report however allows each person to read into it in his own way. This is because it really does not leave a stone unturned but at the same time does not incriminate specific people. I for example understood that the report felt that the prime minister had failed but not because he had ulterior motives (Political) and the question of resignation and elections were not neccesarily in the coutries interest. However the pm chose to understand that because he had already started correcting mistakes he had been given the backing of the committee to carry on.
Israeli auther David Grossman lost his son after the U.N. had started to draw out the seacefire lines (the last 6o hours of the war) a period that Israel lost a lot of soldiors; a period that many Israelis feel that the war was unnecessarily prolonged . In the weekend paper he wrote a vey interesting artical about how he sees Israeli society. He yearns for lost values. He asks if the country has a future and says that the country cannot move forward until we change priminister.
I remember that we went into a war that we initiated and chose when it started yet we were unprepared! I also remember that the arab world including the Lebeneese people generally backed us as hizballah was seen in a very negetive light and not only by Israel . Israel I have no doubt had a major problem in wanting to rid ourselves of the enemy but at the same time not hurt innocent bystanders. It occurs to me now that perhaps the very reason for the apparent changing of tacticts was precisely because of this precarious balance that often cost us dearly.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

new year

Happy new year to all people all over the world. The new year celebrates the end of the gregorian year. Although it has no religious meaning it was a chance in communist countries for people to rejoice "christmas in an open manner. Every new year we hope for better times-I hope this year it will happen. The sun has set on the old year-so here are pictures I took without

realising the significance of the end of the year. Now I must try and get upearly one morning to picture the sunrise!!