Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jews of lebanon please view video and see site it is about the sad plight of the Lebanese Jews. I so wish I could do something to help them!!

This was their pride and joy if u go to the site u will see how their synagogue looks 45 years on!! Help their cmmunity live on at least visit this site

How world politics work to make money

Aug 30, 2007 8:42 Updated Aug 30, 2007 8:42 Defense official: SyriaBy JPOST.COM STAFF

Russia cause of tensions between Israel and
Russia was partly responsible for the heightened tension between Israel and Syria at the beginning of the summer, head of the Diplomatic-Security Bureau at the Defense Ministry, Gen. Amos Gilad (ret.) said on Thursday.

During an interview with Army Radio, the former general noted that recent messages sent by Israel to Moscow have caused the Russians to cease their activity, thus easing the tensions in the region.

"At a certain time, the Russians caused the Syrians to believe that Israel was preparing for war," Gilad said. "I think that they have stopped this. Syria is not planning on attacking Israel, and Israel is definitely not planning on attacking Syria."
According to a report published in the Israeli daily, Ma'ariv, diplomatic and security officials in the Kremlin purposely mislead the Syrians in order to further maximize their profits from the sale of military equipment.
Russia is currently one of the main suppliers of military equipment to Syria.

The above articleshows how politics and money Interests can start wars. As u know I live in the Golan heights. Throughout the summer the army has been on full alert here following the news that the Syrian army had amassed its troups there towards the end of june. In fairness to priminister Almert he has said throughout this period that neither Syria or israel want war and there would not be a war. However the Israeli public did not believe these words and even dates for the start of war were circulated.
Assad I think has learned from Israels last war and knows he needs more missiles if he wants to go to war with Israel. I am not of the opinion that Assad wants war (others in power in Syria I must check before saying anything about them). Assad I think probably wants peace but his problem is how. For years our boarder with Syria has been our quitest boarder and despite never having been at peace it is known that Syria honours its agreements.

Monday, August 27, 2007

understanding what makes people say........

Help me understand

Yosef made the comments in his weekly sermon on Saturday night. "Is it a wonder that soldiers who don't observe the Torah, don't pray every day and don't put on tefilin every day are killed in war? It is no wonder

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is the founder of the religious party Shas. His influence in Israel is immense both for religious and less well educated superstitious people. The Shas party members even go to the rabbi to ask him how to vote on important issues.

It is not surprising that people were outraged by his comments so much so that I will not even quote condemnations from the whose who of Israeli politics.

However what I wish to understand is why he made these comments. The leader of the Shas party Eli Yishai defended him saying that the rabbi quoted from Gemara (biblical interpretations from the bible by famous rabbis of the past) he goes on to say "When a soldier is killed the rabbi sheds tears, he cries, he gathers everyone together and says "let us pray." Every one of us is commanded and obligated to pray and observe the Torah and commandments for the sake of the IDF soldiers. When a soldier is wounded we view this as the fault of all the people of Israel who need to repent,"

I try to understand what motivation would make him issue such a statement. I assume that he is intelligent enough to understand the reprocutions of what he said. Why should he wish to hurt thousands of families (all those close to those who died in the war) and the sensitivity of the vast majority of Israelis. To be honest I cannot find a good answer. I hope someone can help me understand by adding a comment. Thanks

Israeli Soldier Killed to Save Schoolchildren Learned Love of Jewish People at Lycee Sha’alvim in Ukraine
October 30, 1998 - Sgt. Alexei Nikov, who was killed when his Israeli army jeep thwarted a terrorist attack against a busload of 40 Israeli schoolchildren, learned his love of Judaism and commitment to the Jewish People and Israel at the Orthodox Union’s Joseph K. Miller Torah Center in his hometown of Kharkov, in the Ukraine.
The 19-year-old immigrated to Israel two years ago after graduating from the Lycee Sha’alvim, a yeshiva in Kharkov which is a joint project of the Orthodox Union’s Joseph K. Miller Torah Center and Yeshivat Sha’alvim.
Though his parents are Jewish, Alexei had no knowledge of his Jewish roots or heritage before entering the Lycee. His commitment to Israel, and his decision to make aliyah, were a direct result of the education he received at the Lycee.
The Orthodox Union joins the world in mourning the tragic loss of this courageous soldier who willingly sacrificed his young life to preserve the future of the Jewish people he so loved.

What can u say about this guy-did he also die because........Sorry I didn't intend to do this it is so obvious that what he said is rubbish!!!