Saturday, February 9, 2008

The snow ensures good wine grapes inthe summer which must be good!!!

The trees are so beautiful. Nature is amazing and water will eventually flow to the kinneret.

And besides snow is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and this is my coat!!!!

Israel checking itself

So long since the last time I wrote on my blog and so much has happened. The Vinigrad comittee has issued a 500 page report to tell us about the war Israel was involved in a year and a half ago. The report decided not to alay blame to specific people but to look at the situation as a whole. However it should be noted that it suggested that Israel has has to change with the changing world. The army cannot fight wars as it did in the past. communications between government and army need to be changed. Also it asked if war is the solution. The report however allows each person to read into it in his own way. This is because it really does not leave a stone unturned but at the same time does not incriminate specific people. I for example understood that the report felt that the prime minister had failed but not because he had ulterior motives (Political) and the question of resignation and elections were not neccesarily in the coutries interest. However the pm chose to understand that because he had already started correcting mistakes he had been given the backing of the committee to carry on.
Israeli auther David Grossman lost his son after the U.N. had started to draw out the seacefire lines (the last 6o hours of the war) a period that Israel lost a lot of soldiors; a period that many Israelis feel that the war was unnecessarily prolonged . In the weekend paper he wrote a vey interesting artical about how he sees Israeli society. He yearns for lost values. He asks if the country has a future and says that the country cannot move forward until we change priminister.
I remember that we went into a war that we initiated and chose when it started yet we were unprepared! I also remember that the arab world including the Lebeneese people generally backed us as hizballah was seen in a very negetive light and not only by Israel . Israel I have no doubt had a major problem in wanting to rid ourselves of the enemy but at the same time not hurt innocent bystanders. It occurs to me now that perhaps the very reason for the apparent changing of tacticts was precisely because of this precarious balance that often cost us dearly.