Monday, December 17, 2007

sderot mayor resigns

Today the mayor of sderot resigned because he felt he had been totally ineffective in persuading the Israeli government to protect his people Sderot since January last year has an average of 4 casams per day falling from the Gaza strip. The question needs to be asked why these people are not protected. Is the a price for humanity..How should Israel act. There are also other settlements in the area receiving similar treatment. How would u feel if it were you or your children. I do not have answers and do not intend to suggest how Israel should act. What I want to ask is why the world sees Israel "the aggressor" ruining the life of Palestinians while not being shown these pictures. Let the audience make its mind up but provide all the material and not show a simplistic picture. We have discovered that the cowboys (the goodies!!) and Indians(baddies) were not always in the perceived roles so lets discover this about Israel in the present and not when it becomes history

both wrong and very politically naive

Not onlyhas Israel not done the right thing by not allowing a palestinian musician into gaza with Daniel barnboim(Israeli pasport) and other musicians for peace but has also shown how politically naive Israel is.

Such a group of musicians is applauded by me but in truth the impact the would make would have been at best minimal. By refusing entry to one member of the group of musicians, the palestinian one, Israel has forced the musicians to show solidarity and not to give a concert in Gazza. A concert that would have passed of barely unnoticed is now the focus of proof of Israeli mismanagement at best and racist treatment of palestinians at worst.