just a minute was a BBC programme but it seems apropriate that from time to time I should take a minute to think abot life within Israel.
My brother sent me a news item asking how Israel is coping with the haradim. When the law was passed exempting them from army service they were very few in numbers. Today according to the artical they represent 10% of potential enlisting jews. As their birthrate is 4 times the average birthrate........The article also touches on the economic fact that few work in this community and that they are a social and economic burden to our society.
The complexity of Israeli society once again raises its head. I would even go as far as to say that the average Israeli jew understands this group of people less than than he does the druse or muslim way of life.
Here in the golan it is hard to put this statistic into reality. The religious population is high and also highly motivated. He believes as Israel as a special land that we have to work to keep and improve. Within this schedule he finds time for his religious commitments. Most of the religious people I know in this are believe in live and let live.
The first measurement of a person for me is how he conducts himself within society. If he wants to help his fellow man if his outlook is positive what difference does it make to me what his religion, nationality or colour are. I have perhaps ran away from the original problem because it is not clear to me how one should react to this population.
It is ironic but one of the the social problems is the same as kibbutzim once (and still to a lesser extent) had. They cover for and hide the less desirables among themselves. Thus for example it is very difficult for a woman to come out in the open and say her husband is beating her.
I do not know how I am supposed to react to this society within a society who appear to take and not give but I will make specific an earlier generalisation. I do not understand how they think, their way of life or anything about them. In this case do I have a right to decide their fate........?