I am not the biggest fan of Israels pm but I have to agree with what he says here. I also know that Israel works very differently than the palestinians in two aspects. Firstly we aim at the perputrators and not at civilians; unfortunatly this does not always mean they do not suffer as it is a war situation. Secondly we, or at least our media do not use pictures of blood and suffering in the same way as the palistinians do.

Having said all that I think we have been dragged into this war. Ashkilon is now being hit as Sdrot has been for the last 7 years. I hope that we have reacted in the correct way to stop the rockets because that at the end of the day is what we want. There is no way I blame Israel for entering this situation but I hope we achieve normal living for the people who live near the boarder with Gaza. Remember Israel withdrew from Gaza to let the palestinians get on with their lives and instead of developing what they have this is what they do.
War is very different than in previous generations on of them is that television is more important than armored divisions in the battlefield.(http://israelagainstterror.blogspot.com/2008/02/new-war_01.html) The damage that has been done is Sdrot for example is horendous. Do you have any idea how many kids in Sderot. Here are some statistics (from http://www.mfah.gov.il/MFA/Terrorism-+Obstacle+to+Peace/Palestinian+terror+since+2000/Missile+fire+from+Gaza+on+Israeli+civilian+targets+Aug+2007.htm?WBCMODE=PresentationUnpublishedRescuing+Gilad+Shalit+from+his+Hamas+kidnappers+29-Jun-2006Editorials+16-Nov-2006)
In 2006, 861 rockets were fired at population centers in the western Negev, as compared with 222 in 2005 and 268 in 2004 (not including rockets fired at Israeli settlements inside the Gaza Strip).
In May 2007, Palestinians launched some 300 Kassam rockets from Gaza at Sderot and the western Negev. Hamas openly claimed responsibility for the attack.
Note: Rocket or mortar shell fire is defined as an event, during which a launch is tracked and the hit is clearly identified as falling in Israeli territory. It is also defined as an event during which a launch from the Gaza Strip is tracked and an explosion is heard, even if the location of the hit is not clearly identified. The actual number of rockets launched may be at least 20% greater than the number of hits identified. Also on this site is a film of rockets being fired from an UNRWA boys school.
Ok I have to sign of as my dentist is waiting for me!!!!!!!!
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Mike - I would not question that Hamas is "bad" (or worse). My problem with the idea of "defeating" or "crushing" Hamas is that it doesn't and won't work.
Israel - began ending the truce November 5th - with their squeezing of Gaza. I, in no way, am saying that Hamas is or was "innocent". The rockets sent - since November 5th - initially - may have responded to the tightening of the borders to Gaza - cutting off many supplies as well as more recently - in Defiance and rebellion - against the Israeli attack - to say: "No - you can't defeat me".
Killing - breeds more killing. Unfortunately - for Palestinians so far - "being peaceful" - doesn't lead to negotiations and concessions. Being "not peaceful" - seems the only path - to forcing Israel to negotiate or to at the least (as happened with Hezbollah in Lebanon) - to show the world and particularly non-Jews - that Israel - can't control them or their destiny.
It is poignant though to hear now that roughly 600 Palestinians have been killed vs. 4 Israelis killed from rockets, and 10 Israelis killed (don't know if this includes the 4 or not)- and of those 10, 4 - were killed by "friendly fire" (today - yesterday for you) - vs. 1 Israeli killed by a Palestinian.
Hamas - gains its power - from - repression and the failures of more moderate forces to succeed.
Israel can militarily "defeat" Hamas, but unfortunately, either a newer Hamas or a successor - probably more radical and destructive will replace it.
My sense is that the West Bank has been largely peaceful in recent times. What has this gotten the Palestinians of the West Bank?
Israeli settlements continue to expand (for the most part). Is there talk of making peace with the leadership of the West Bank - Because - there are No Longer suicide bombings and similar?
It is risky to seek peace!!!! It is also risky to not take risks - seeking peace.
Israel - has great strategic value now for the U.S.- related to oil in the Middle East, the U.S. Wars, etc. Twenty years from now - Israel will Not likely have similar value for the U.S. - and will be likely treated as others are who "don't matter".
Making peace - is best and easiest done from a Position of Power. Clearly Israel now has as much relative power related to the Palestinians, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and even Saudi Arabia as it is likely to ever have.
Iran - is feared by Israel - certainly. Iran also is feared by others who are Muslim. Saudi Arabia - certainly is concerned greatly.
Radical Islam - is a threat to the potential stability of nearly every country in the Middle East.
Radical Islam - grows greatly - when We in the U.S. - act stupidly - as we have for a long time - helping build its strength.
Obviously is is much "safer" and "simpler" here in the U.S. where I live - rather than in Israel where you live. It also is more critical that you not be seduced by U.S. - Baloney - that makes you think that people here really care about Israel. (Certainly many Jews care - of course - but beyond Jews - the caring "the most" is by radical Christians - who often believe that in the end All the Jews will Die - as Christianity succeeds in the end - hardly what we wish to see happen.)
I am proud to be Jewish. I am not proud to be an American related to what my country does - related to the rest of the world. We do some good - yes - but do a lot more harm often unfortunately.
Excuse the length of this reply!
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